Comfortis Plus (Trifexis) for Dogs
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Comfortis PLUS 3-in-1 Parasite Protection Treatment for Dogs
Comfortis PLUS is a powerful antiparasitic treatment that provides triple protection against fleas, intestinal worms, and heartworms. This easy-to-administer, tasty beef-flavored chewable is safe for dogs and puppies from 8 weeks of age, and weighing 5 lbs and greater.
Broad-spectrum protection in one monthly chew:
Comfortis PLUS is a monthly chewable tablet with two powerful ingredients: spinosad and milbemycin oxime. The combination of these potent ingredients offers complete protection against:
- Heartworm disease
- Fleas and flea infestations
- Intestinal worms like hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms
Heartworm protection:
- Comfortis PLUS prevents life-threatening heartworm disease with regular monthly treatment.
- It kills the larval stages of heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) and prevents heartworm disease.
Flea protection:
- Comfortis PLUS is a quick-action treatment that starts killing fleas within 30 minutes.
- It kills 100% of fleas within 4 hours of administration.
- It prevents flea re-infestation by killing the existing fleas on the dog quickly before they can lay eggs.
- It saves your dog from the severe discomfort caused by fleas, including scratching, irritation, biting, and restlessness.
- It may also help prevent flea tapeworms and anemia caused by flea infestations.
Intestinal worms protection:
- Comfortis PLUS treats and controls common intestinal worms, including adult roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
- It saves your dog from the discomfort caused by worm infestations, such as diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, weight loss, lung disease, intestinal obstruction, etc.
How Comfortis Plus Works?
Comfortis PLUS is formulated with two key ingredients: spinosad and milbemycin oxime. It works on parasites by interfering with the nerve cells of the parasites.
- Spinosad: It attacks neurons and causes paralysis in the parasites.
- Milbemycin Oxime: It is an antihelmintic that targets intestinal worms and immature heartworms.
- Select the pack according to the weight of your dog.
- The chewable should be administered orally once a month.
- Mix it with food for high effectivess.
- No fasting is required prior to administration.
For Dogs/puppies: (8 weeks of age or older)
- 5 - 10lbs: Give 1 chewable every month (Pink Box)
- 10.1 - 20lbs: Give 1 chewable every month (Orange Box)
- 20.1 - 40lbs: Give 1 chewable every month (Green Box)
- 40.1 - 60lbs: Give 1 chewable every month (Blue Box)
- 60.1 - 120lbs: Give 1 chewable every month (Brown Box)
- Dogs over 120 lbs: Give the appropriate combination of chewables
- Keep out of reach of children and pets.
- Do not administer to cats or other species of animal.
- Do not treat pregnant or lactating animals.
- Store it in a dry place at room temperature.
Comfortis Plus: Key Takeaways
- A delicious meat flavored chewable tablet easy to administer
- Kills fleas and prevents flea infestation
- Starts working rapidly within 30 min
- Prevents heartworm disease
- Treats and controls intestinal worm disease
- Controls flea allergy dermatitis
At what age should I start giving Comfortis PLUS to my dog
Comfortis PLUS is safe to use for dogs from 8 weeks of age and weighing 5 lbs and greater.
What parasites does Comfortis PLUS cover
Comfortis PLUS offers complete protection against fleas, heartworm disease, and intestinal worms like hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms.
How to administer Comfortis PLUS correctly
Comfortis PLUS should be administered orally with or without food. It is a beef-flavored chewable tablet that is readily consumed by dogs. Ensure that you choose the correct pack size as per the current weight of your dog.
What pack sizes does Comfortis PLUS come in
Comfortis PLUS offers two different pack sizes: 6 chews and 12 chews packs. It comes in five different color-coded packs, varied by dog weight.
What are the ingredients present in Comfortis PLUS
Comfortis PLUS is formulated with two key ingredients, spinosad and milbemycin oxime.
How does Comfortis PLUS work
Comfortis PLUS works on parasites like fleas, intestinal worms, and heartworms by interfering with the nerve cells of the parasites.
Can I give Comfortis PLUS with food
Comfortis PLUS is labeled to be administered with food for maximum effectiveness.How quickly will Comfortis PLUS kill fleas
Comfortis PLUS is a quick-action treatment that starts killing fleas within 30 minutes.
Does Comfortis PLUS kill ticks
Comfortis PLUS does not kill ticks.
For how long should I continue using Comfortis PLUS
Comfortis PLUS is a preventative treatment and should be used year-round every month for continuous protection against fleas, worms, and heartworms.