It can be very annoying for pet-parents to find those fleas and ticks on their pet in spite of making all the efforts to. No matter what steps you take and churn out all those solutions to eradicate these pests, some or the other way, they dig out all the hideous ways to emerge again with double strength and attack your pets.
Fleas and ticks are the most common issue faced by dogs and their pet parents and oral treatments are arguably the best choice to combat such pests. While there are several oral treatments that do an excellent job at treating and preventing fleas and ticks, there has always been a tight tussle between Bravecto and Nexgard.
Getting rid of fleas and ticks is not an easy task. You can experiment all you want, but these parasites won’t leave your dog unless you pick the right treatment. Thus, to protect the dog from fleas and ticks, it’s imperative to control both indoor and outdoor environment. A home remedy certainly won’t be enough to remove all the fleas.
Lyme disease is a serious issue that is caused by ticks, and it is known to affect many canines across the globe. Over the years, many dogs have succumbed to this fatal disease. Due to this, Lyme Disease Prevention Month came into existence. Ever since, the entire month of May is observed as Lyme Disease Prevention Month.
Fleas and ticks are nasty parasites that suck blood from pets and cause miserable diseases. Though there are a number of flea and tick treatments available in the market, it is very necessary to choose the one that suits your pet.
These parasites cause a ruckus in rather peaceful lives of pets by infecting them with several diseases and skin conditions like Flea Allergy Dermatitis, skin infections, reddened skin, damages and scratched skin, hotspots, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Babesiosis, and many more.