Nexgard v/s Nexgard Spectra-Difference between the Two Best Parasitic Treatments

Nexgard v/s Nexgard Spectra-Difference between the Two Best Parasitic Treatments

It can be very annoying for pet-parents to find those fleas and ticks on their pet in spite of making all the efforts to. No matter what steps you take and churn out all those solutions to eradicate these pests, some or the other way, they dig out all the hideous ways to emerge again with double strength and attack your pets. Therefore, to bring down the pain of shuffling parasitic treatments for your dog, there are already available products, which can be the best pick. Nexgard and Nexgard Spectra for dogs have proven to be the powerful parasitic treatments and here we’re going to find which can be best suitable of your pet. So, let’s move further with a comparison chart below.

Nexgard-An Advanced Flea and Tick Treatment

Nexgard is the highly effective oral treatment that kills fleas and ticks. It comes in a beef-flavored chewable that eliminates adult fleas even before they can lay eggs. The chewable treats and controls 3 types of ticks including Lone-star tick, American dog tick and deer tick infestations from dogs. Nexgard provides one month protection from fleas and ticks and safeguards dogs from flea re-infestations.

Nexgard Spectra-The Broad Spectrum Treatment

Nexgard Spectra is a beef-flavored chewable used to treat infestation caused due to fleas and ticks. This monthly treatment is effective in preventing heartworm disease in dogs. It is available in the chewable tablets in five different strengths for use in dogs of different weights. Nexgard Spectra also works as a major preventive measure against the zoonotic hookworm, whipworms and roundworms. The oral treatment is effective for gastrointestinal nematodes. It also prevents ear mites, demodectic, sarcoptic, and otodectic manage infestation in dogs.

SubjectNexgardNexgard Spectra
IntroductionNexgard is the best oral treatment that kills fleas and ticks. It comes in a beef-flavored chewable that eliminates fleas and ticksNexgard spectra is a multi spectrum treatment that works to eliminate fleas and ticks as well as eradicates intestinal worms. Moreover, it also prevents heartworms.
Active IngredientsAfoxolanerAfoxolaner, Milbemycin Oxime
FleasEliminates adult fleas even before they lay eggs.Kills fleas before they lay eggs and reduce contamination of the environment around your pet.
TicksControls ticks including paralysis ticks.Destroys and prevents ticks including paralysis ticks.
Intestinal worms  Eliminates roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Also controls flea tapeworms in dogs.
HeartwormsIt doesn’t prevent heartworms but can be used along with a heartworm preventive.Effectively prevents heartworms in dogs.
Other parasites Nexgard Spectra also prevents ear mites, demodectic, sarcoptic, and otodectic manage infestation in dogs.
Safe to useSafe for dogs and puppies 8 weeks and older. Your dog can swim or bath right after administering the chews as it cannot wash off and remains effective.  The treatment can be used in puppies from 8 weeks of age. Safe for all breeds of dogs and it is not affected by bathing or swimming your dog.
EfficacyIt is a monthly treatment that killing fleas faster and eliminates 99% fleas within 8 hours of administration.  Nexgard Spectra acts as a single treatment to control external and internal parasites in dogs. It is Once in a month dosage, which is very convenient.

But first, here’s what you need to know about Nexgard and Nexgard Spectra

Therefore, pet parents can use Nexgard for their pup if their pet is suffering from fleas and ticks. However, if your Fido is infected by internal as well as external parasites the Nexgard Spectra will be the right pick.