Dog Tested Positive For Heartworms? February 22, 2016June 23, 2016budgetpetworld It is intriguing how an insect of this small a size can be the reason of this big a disease in dogs. Though, [...]
Food Is The Source Of Nutrients- Balancing Nutrition Is Important! February 18, 2016March 8, 2016budgetpetworld Food is every living being’s source of energy. It is extremely important to consume the right food in the right amount to keep [...]
Vomiting In Dogs- Important Tips For Its Prevention And Care January 27, 2016June 23, 2016budgetpetworld Dogs vomit due to several reasons, but the most common one is to eject food through mouth when the stomach refuses to accept [...]
Does My Dog Need Heartworm Prevention All Year Long? January 22, 2016March 8, 2016budgetpetworld This is probably the most common question asked by pet guardians, especially during winter. Heartworms are transmitted by a bite of an infected [...]
Boarding Your Pet? Tips To Make Sure The Kennel Or Cattery Is Perfect January 15, 2016May 30, 2017budgetpetworld Leaving pets back at home is always difficult and stressful. We may never be able to know whether our pets are really taken [...]
Did You Know These Facts About Flea and Tick? January 11, 2016March 8, 2016budgetpetworld We all know how gross and annoying fleas and ticks can be, right? They have been our pet’s constant companions, whether we want [...]
What To Do When Your Pet’s Food Has Been Ordered off the Shelf? January 6, 2016May 30, 2017budgetpetworld FDA plays the biggest role in maintaining the health standards for us as well as our pets. The moment they think a treatment [...]
Nexgard For Dogs- Shooing Flea And Tick Away Is A Treat Now! January 4, 2016March 8, 2016budgetpetworld Getting rid of fleas and ticks has always been a big concern for pet owners. There are indeed many treatments available in the [...]
Safe Guarding Pets Made Easy & Fair This Christmas- Only @ Budget Pet World! December 20, 2015March 8, 2016budgetpetworld “Safety doesn’t happen by accident.” So true! To ensure your own, or your loved one’s safety, it is essential to take preventive steps. [...]
How To Manage Your Dog Before And After Adult Heartworm Treatment? December 15, 2015March 8, 2016budgetpetworld Heartworms, also known as Dirofilaria Immitis is a nematode parasite that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Heartworms are only transmitted by mosquitoes and nothing [...]