A Primary Health Guide for Your Cat: A Brief on Essential Nutrients

A Primary Health Guide for Your Cat A Brief on Essential Nutrients

The process of maintaining a proper diet for your cat isn’t overly complicated, but it depends on certain variables, it includes whether you feed your cat dry or wet food, your cat’s weight and age, her activity level, and whether she is a nursing or pregnant cat. Other than this the brand of food you’re feeding your cat also makes a difference. A high-quality food may provide your cat with desired nutrients by consuming less amount of food while you may have to feed her with more food if you use a low-quality food. Let’s have a look at some of the ways that may help you decide the right quality and quantity of food for your feline friend.

Essential Requirements

  • Proteins
  • Calcium
  • Fat


Cats are always referred to as obligate carnivores. This means that cats would require animal-based proteins to fulfill their nutritional needs. This means that they cannot receive their nutritional support from plant-based animal proteins.

A protein that is obtained from animal tissues can’t be obtained from plant-based proteins. The animal-based proteins have a complete amino acid profile that is required by an obligate carnivore. The quality of protein in canned food, which is meat-based, is not equal to the quality of protein obtained from dry food, which is heavily plant-based. For example, Taurine is one of the most important nutrients that is obtained from meat-based proteins and is absent from plant-based proteins. Taurine deficiency can cause blindness and heart problems in cats. Consult your veterinarian and get detailed information about the type of meat-based proteins foods that can prove nutritious for your cat’s diet.


Calcium is one of the most important parts of a cat’s diet. It helps a cat with membrane permeability, nerve transmission, muscle function, blood clotting, and also improves bones and teeth. Leguminous plants, bones, and dairy products contain a large amount of calcium while cereals, meat, organ tissues and meat contain small amounts.

BARF diet or bones, egg shells powder, raw meat, or ground meat are the best choices to give your cat a calcium boost. Especially, egg shells can provide your cat with a great amount of calcium. You can also opt for commercial pet foods that are properly balanced in order to prevent calcium deficiency in your cat.


Fats are the form of concentrated energy for your cats. It can provide your cat with twice the energy obtained from proteins and carbohydrates. Corn, soybean and safflower oil are the best sources of fat for your cat. Other essential fatty acids are also obtained from fats. For cats, this includes an omega-6 fatty acid such as linoleic and arachidonic acid. Other omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA can also be included in the cat’s diet as they provide health benefits to your cats such as an increase in brain function and lessened inflammation.

Maintaining the right amount of balance in your cat’s diet can help you a lot in keeping your cat fit in her older years. It can also prevent health problems like food allergies, type 2 diabetes, obesity, Taurine deficiency and food intolerance.

Well, always consult your vet before you make any major diet changes for your cat as feeding the wrong meals can prove harmful to your cat’s overall development.