You might have spent lots of money to keep your dog healthy: Best quality of food, routine body checkups and so on. But have you thought about the exact dental care of your dog? Have you imagined what may be the consequences of poor dental health care of the dog?
Take a look at some of the important consequences that you should not avoid.
Attack of Bacteria:
If you do not take care of your dog teeth properly, bacteria can attack its teeth. An overabundance of bacterial growth in the mouth causes serious oral problems. In some serious disorder, it may lead to gum diseases in dogs like gingivitis and periodontal diseases. Thereby you need to pay more attention if you see the following five signs:
Loose teeth from gums
Continuous bleeding in gums
Lost tooth
Swelling of eyes and gums
Pain in mouth
Different dogs have different teeth diseases. Puppies, adult, and senior dogs may have different diseases according to the age. To avoid such diseases you just need to Brush your Dog’s Teeth with toothpaste on a daily basis.
In some serious cases, poor care of dog teeth and gums becomes a result of some heart diseases. If your dog has periodontal disease and if you find teeth are getting loose and breaking gum tissue, then there are high chances of the entrance of bacteria. Don’t wait anymore and reach your nearest dental prophylaxis.
Pyorrhea in Dogs:
Pyorrhea is a most dangerous gum disease in the dog that may lead to some of the serious infections and even gradually loss of teeth. Let’s have a glance at the signs of pyorrhea:
Loss of bone from the base of the teeth
Buildup of plaque on dog teeth
Bad breath
Redness of the gums
Swelling of the gums
Loss of appetite
The normal pyorrhea treatment is to remove the affected teeth and clean the rest of the teeth thoroughly under anesthesia so that it does not affect rest of the teeth. You can also give the dog some oral liquid medicines to prevent Pyorrhea.
Also Read:- Don’t Run Away From Your Dog’s Fishy Breath
General Dogs Dental Care Tips For The Dog Parents:
Brushing your dog’s teeth sounds silly, but necessary and equally important for your dog teeth to be saved from the tooth disease.
Chews for Your Dog are best and natural way to keep your dog teeth healthy. Having rubber toys, bully sticks and pressed pork hide to chew will improve the strength of pal.
Provide dog dental treats because your dog does maximum activities from the mouth. It loves dental treats. Fresh breath and clean mouth are the general treatment given to your dog and thus it protects from many diseases.
Visiting dog dental clinic regularly is like solutions for all the diseases of the root. Take the advice of your dog dentist, mark a visit date in the calendar and make a schedule for further visits.